draw plans and elevations of 3d shapes

How to Describe Elevations from Floor Plans

all four sides elevation drawings

This elevation drawing tutorial will show you how to draw tiptop plans required by your local planning department for your new home design.

We volition explicate how to draft these drawings by hand. If you are using home design software, about programs have a tool to create the superlative plans from your design.

House elevation drawings are created after you lot take created your floor programme drawings. Run into our Brand Your Own Blueprint tutorial for instructions on creating detailed floor plans. If you lot are just starting out with your dwelling design, check out our costless Home Design Tutorial.

What are Elevation Plans and How are They Used?

draft elevation drawings

In one case you have completed drawing your detailed floor plans, you lot'll still need to create a few more than structure drawings. In add-on to the floor plans, you will demand to provide your builder and local planning department with top drawings and cantankerous-department drawings.

The peak plans are scaled drawings which show all four sides of the home with all perspective flattened. These plans are used to requite the builder an overview of how the finished home will look and the types of exterior finishing materials. It will also provide information well-nigh the elevation of the ground on the diverse faces of the abode. For the local planning department, they will need these drawings to insure that the local building code is being adhered to.

Y'all will be creating four elevation views, one for each side of the house (regardless of whether your habitation is of a conventional shape or non). Ordinarily these drawings are fatigued to a calibration of 1' : 1/four". Check with your architect and planning department as to what calibration they prefer these drawings to be.

For each side of the firm, height drawings should testify:

  • Each wall length and its height,
  • The roof width and superlative,
  • The visible portion of the foundation,
  • Any outside features (such as decks, porches and stairs),
  • Window and door trim,
  • Eavestroughs,
  • Exterior wall and roof finishings (e.g. forest siding on exterior walls, asphalt shingles on roof)
  • The finished ground level.

Materials Required

For a list of the required drafting materials see our page on drafting house construction drawings. Aside from a good straight border, an builder's scale will be very useful.

Getting Started

floor plan with elevation

To typhoon your elevation plans, y'all will start with your floor plans for the principal floor of your house. The easiest method is to draw your elevations to the same scale as your floor plans. To make the procedure a bit easier:

  • Record your main floor plan drawing to the surface of your work table with the forepart side of the house facing towards yous.
  • Tape the canvass of newspaper for your acme drawing just below or above the flooring plan.

With this method yous will transfer each feature on the forepart confront of the business firm to the other sheet of newspaper.

The drawing to the right shows a completed elevation drawing and the floor plan it was taken from. The dotted lines prove places where the walls bump in or out.

Step past Step Guide to Drawing House Elevations

Drawing Main Flooring Wall Baseline

floor plan with front wall

To depict the initial baseline for the chief floor,

  1. Using your floor plan drawings and starting at the farthermost left end of whatsoever walls on this side of the business firm on the basis flooring, measure the horizontal altitude of this wall. Make sure you are including the thickness of any siding material for the exterior side walls for this level. This siding can be very thin in the instance of parging or thick in the example of rock or brick.
  2. Describe a faint line the aforementioned length of this wall towards the bottom left tertiary of your page. This faint horizontal line will later be erased since it will not be visible from the exterior of the house (unless the exterior finish of the house changes at this exact signal). It is drawn now only every bit a reference from which to mensurate to the top of the next floor or roof line.
  3. Brand a small upwardly tick mark at the end of this wall.
  4. If in that location is another outside wall at the same meridian to the correct of this wall (for example a wall that bumps out or recedes in from this first wall), measure out this wall in the same way every bit the first.
  5. Draw this next line as a continuation of the kickoff line. Do not erase the tick mark that indicates the division betwixt these walls.
  6. Continue on marking walls in this way until you achieve the end of walls on this side of the house.

Determining and Drawing Wall Heights

elevation front wall

Next you will draw the vertical lines for the exterior walls on this side. For each of the wall bases:

  1. Determine how high the wall volition be above its unfinished floor height. To do this y'all volition need to consider the height of the ceiling of the rooms within this section of the house and add to that the elevation of any flooring or ceiling joists above it. Also add on the superlative of any sub-flooring, if there are floors above.
  2. Depict faint vertical lines up from each of the wall base lines to the peak you take determined in the previous step. (After y'all will draw a darker line which includes the finished material on the outside of the home.)
  3. Draw a faint horizontal line at the level of the upper ceiling joists or subfloor higher up this level.
  4. If there is another flooring higher up this level, continue on to the footstep 5. Otherwise move on to the adjacent section, Draw Window and Door Outlines.
  5. Using the floor plans for the next level upwardly, perform steps i through 3 again making tick marks where you will need to describe whatsoever vertical walls. Once again decide the heights of these walls so draw a faint horizontal line to testify the level of the top of the sub-flooring or ceiling joists for the next level.
  6. Continue repeating the above steps until you take no floors above the electric current level. And then move on to the adjacent department, Draw Window and Door Outlines.

Describe Window and Door Outlines

elevation with windows and doors

For all of your windows and doors, measure from the horizontal lines of your floors to position the exterior doors and windows. Your construction drawings, usually the cross-sections, will detail the acme at which each window should be placed. A carve up window and door schedule gives the dimensions for all your windows and doors.

At this signal, using your builder'southward calibration for accurateness, describe just the outline of the window and door exterior dimensions to the aforementioned scale as your walls, floors and roof. Subsequently you volition describe the outside window and door trim.

Cartoon the Roofs

The roof lines can be of many styles: gable, shed, hip, gambrel, etc.

To draw the roof for each elevation view, first consider whether your roof will overhang and driblet below the outside wall on the summit program you are currently drafting. For a shed or gable roof with eaves, the roof on two sides will drib lower than where it connects with the wall. From the view of the other two sides information technology will stay at one level. Take a expect at the elevations at the very top of this page to meet an illustration of this.

Dropping Roofs

elevation with roof

If this level has an overhanging roof that slopes downward over the wall, you will need to do some calculations for roof overhang earlier you depict the horizontal line for the wall top.

If there is a roof overhang at this level which drops downwardly over the wall, summate how much the roof will driblet in the actual overhang area. To do this,

  1. Take the slope or pitch of your roof, which is usually described as the rise over run in the form of 5:12, 6:12, 14:12, etc. The commencement number refers to how many inches (or centimetres) the roof will rise (or drop) over a horizontal altitude indicated by the 2d number (which in North America is usually 12 inches).
  2. Take your horizontal roof overhang to decide what the vertical roof overhand drop volition be. For case if you have a 5:12 roof pitch and a 12 inch horizontal roof overhang, the roof volition drib a total of 5 inches. If your horizontal roof overhang was xviii inches, the roof would drop 18/12 10 v = i.5 x 5 inches = 7.5 inches.
  3. Now you will need to subtract this drop from the height of the wall that yous previously calculated since in the peak drawing this roof line will drop below the top of the wall acme. Using this new calculated height, depict the line showing the lower edge of the roof line.

Non-Dropping Roof Lines

For an end gable wall or a shed wall, make up one's mind the highest point of the wall below your roof. To do this y'all demand to know the gradient of the roof. Showtime read the section above on roof pitch, then summate the height of top most point of your roof higher up the electric current flooring in the post-obit fashion.

  1. Mensurate the horizontal distance from i of the side walls of the house in this elevation view to where the tiptop of the roof will be. For some houses this will be the center of the house, for other roof styles it may not exist the center. We'll phone call this Distance to Peak.
  2. Then calculate Distance to Elevation 10 Roof slope where roof gradient is the rising/run. For example for a 5:12 roof gradient and a distance of thirteen feet the height for the peak of the roof (above the current floor) would be: 12 anxiety x 5 / 12 = 5 feet.
  3. Marking a tick on the floor surface to bespeak the spot in a higher place which volition lie the roof meridian. Extend a faint vertical line upwards from this point.
  4. Measure out up this line to the height you have only calculated above.
  5. Now join this roof superlative to the exterior border of the house.
  6. If the roof slopes directly down to the other side of the house you tin depict another line from the roof peak to the other edge of the business firm as well.

Next determine the thickness of your actual roof including all framing and the roof itself and draw this onto your elevation drawing.

Make certain that you take included all roofs that are visible from this house face up. Notice in the elevation higher up, the small portion of shed roof which covers a bumpout on the right side is visible.

Basements, Foundations and Chimneys

elevation with foundation

Next add on the basement, clamber space or foundation. For the elevation views yous need but prove the parts of this level which are visible above ground. Other drawings, called cross-sections, volition provide further edifice details for this part of the home.

For the lower level or foundation, offset decide if the lower wall, without any finished surface such equally siding or stucco, will protrude from the upper wall. And then consider what type of finishing volition be on the foundation and what volition be on the upper levels. For some homes the concrete foundation may have parging or stucco and the upper level(south) may accept a different finishing. If the whole house will have the same terminate type hopefully your home design is such that the lower foundation wall is flush to the upper wall(south). If not, at present is the time to adjust your foundation plans so that they will be flush.

If the sidings will change, consider whether y'all want them flush, the finished foundation wall protruding, or inset. There is no correct fashion to do it but in full general an inset foundation wall could requite your domicile a somewhat unstable await. If yous are building a traditional woods framed home you lot accept a scrap of latitude equally to where on the thick foundation wall you will set the wood framing for the flooring higher up. In this way you can decide exactly how your upper finished walls will or volition not line up.

Once y'all accept determined where the foundation wall will sit, describe a faint line from the main floor downwards to slightly below what yous call back will be your finished basis height.

Now you can also add whatever chimneys. As with the walls y'all have fatigued, make certain that y'all include the thickness of any finishing materials that may be on the chimney, exist it woods siding, brick or stone.

Item Exterior Finishing

elevation with finishing
  1. If yous volition have wood or some other type of siding (horizontal, vertical or cedar milkshake) draw these lines to indicate the end. For a stucco wall you need not depict any surface. For a brick or rock wall, the terminate should be drawn. Brand sure you include any trim bands, chugalug lines, etc.
  2. Using your architect's calibration, draft in all window and door trim also as detail any window or door lites, and exterior knobs or handles.

Decks, Porches and Railings and Finished Ground Level

final elevation
  1. At present describe in any decks or porches, their railings and stairways. This tin be fiddly piece of work, especially drawing the railings. Use your scale to brand certain your drawing is accurate.
  2. Then add on any other architectural features such as fascia, gutters or downspouts.
  3. Adjacent do an authentic measurement of what you plan to have equally the difference of your master flooring height to the final level of the landscaping around the firm. This may exist fairly flat around the whole house or it may leave a portion of the basement or foundation completely above footing with another part almost completely cached.
  4. Depict this finished landscaping line along the walls of this elevation view.
  5. Finally, clearly characterization the drawing to indicate exact finishing materials to be used on outside surfaces, this includes covering materials and siding.

Repeat this process for the other 3 sides of the home.

As with the floor plan drawings, it is necessary to include a title block on the page which specifies the business firm name, the engagement, and the calibration used. The title block is generally in ane corner of the cartoon.

Next Business firm Construction Cartoon Tutorial

Check out the next design tutorial module: Cartoon Cross Sections.

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Source: https://the-house-plans-guide.com/elevation-drawings.html

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