How to Trick Ur Friends Into Clicking Something Funny

Playing pranks makes us and others happy merely like nosotros used to cut jokes for laughter. I am going to mention the xv Best best cool, nasty, and funny prank links to ship to friends.

Table of Contents

  • 1 15 Prank Links to Transport to Friends to Fool Them
    • 1.1 Shadyurl
    • 1.two
    • 1.3 Hacker Typer {The Geeky Funny Prank Link}
    • ane.4 Geek Typer {The Geeky Funny Prank Link}
    • 1.5 Dear Reckoner {Lovable Funny Prank Link}
    • ane.6 Shit Express (Muddied, smelly Funny Prank Link)
    • News of Futurity (Futuristic Prank Link)
    • one.8 Greatbigstuff
    • 1.ix Fart Attack
    • one.10 Facebook Status Prank
    • 1.11 Ship Your Enemies Glitter
    • ane.12 Cat Facts
  • 2 Few More Funny Prank Sites
  • 3 Conclusion

Life has get busy due to coping up with the fierce competition in the market place. We piece of work day and night to make profits. Nosotros are forgetting to have out some time out to take fun and enjoy. Specifically, in the Covid-19 Pandemic fourth dimension, we all are stressed out because many of united states lost our dear ones, and are still vulnerable to this deadly disease. The best way to fight this viral disease is to keep our allowed organization stiff, and for that, we need to be happy, experience happy, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I may not assist much only I accept something that would aid you take fun, Yep, Fun! Fun makes united states of america happy and nosotros express mirth out loud. Feeling happy makes our immunity strong for sure.

And so, in this web log post, I am going to list out some of the all-time Funny, Nasty, and absurd prank website links that you tin can ship to friends to have fun with them, and also allow them have fun with others. Pranking is 1 of the finest means to take some fun with friends and family. Moreover, y'all must note that always play pranks with those people who take such things lightly. Don't prank people who cannot handle or take on their hearts.

If you lot don't have much time to get out, you can prank with your friends using your laptop. Yeah, there are many prank links to send to your friends that may fool them. Prank links mean there are websites created online which you tin can use to prank your friends even by sending them via email or there are prank links for WhatsApp as well.

True friends are those who never accept things in a bad way then y'all can prank with your expert friends only. Don't ever attempt to prank the people who take things seriously. Moreover, e'er take care that past pranking, y'all are not playing with anyone's feelings. Anyhow, let's take those fifteen Prank Links to Send to Friends.

15 Prank Links to Send to Friends to Fool Them

  1. Shadyurl

I have tried many prank websites, and I institute this prank link to send to friends for making them fool. This is the best one out of those. Simply visit , and enter any website link, and click Submit.

It will alter your link into a shady looking link which if you send to your friend, they volition exist in suspicion whether to click or not. It actually works like URL shortener as well but it makes them look shady. Effort it out on your friends, and see their reactions, you lot will enjoy for sure.

  1. is a website where you can create simulated conversation along with all settings which will exactly look like a real WhatsApp chat. Y'all can create such imitation WhatsApp conversation fake WhatsApp chat using any of your friend's proper name or anyone and bear witness that to your friends to prank with them.

There are and so many options, utilise all of them to customize the conversation to brand that look even more than accurate one.

Moreover, yous can use this prank website in many means to prank with your friends. This is the best prank link for WhatsApp.

  1. Hacker Typer {The Geeky Funny Prank Link}

You must have seen in the movies, hackers typing on black colored screen with green text, and it looks and so astonishing. If you want to show someone that y'all tin do that type of thing as well, Hacker Typer is the best tool for that. Simply commencement typing, and information technology will look like a hacker is typing. You tin can show this to your friends and troll them.

Enjoy fooling your friends.

  1. Geek Typer {The Geeky Funny Prank Link}

Geek Typer is pretty similar to the Hacker Typer just it gives you customization options to choose a theme for the screen for typing. There are many themes out at that place, you merely accept to select one and starting time typing.

Yous tin even customize the color of the background and text to give it a more hacking kind of feel. Doing this, and typing in such a way in front of whatsoever of your friends may give him a sign that y'all are a professional hacker. That is actually a nice manner to prank with your friends.

  1. Beloved Figurer {Lovable Funny Prank Link}

Honey Calculator is a website where you lot can annals and get prank link to send to your friends which volition evidence them a beloved calculator. Now, when they enter their and their partner'southward proper noun, all the details volition be emailed to you. And, they will come up to know about this prank as when they submit, they get the bulletin that it was a prank; your and your partner'south name is emailed to <electronic mail address>.

This is i of the funniest ways to prank to your friends every bit with the fun, you go know your friends' lovers names besides.

  1. Shit Limited (Dirty, smelly Funny Prank Link)

Shit Express is a website from where y'all tin can send anyone the poop of any selected animal. Yes, this is 1 of the best prank links to transport to your friends and then that they prank with their other friends past ordering poop of an animal. That is a real fun sending a smelly gift to someone y'all want.

  1. News of Time to come (Futuristic Prank Link)

News of Future is a trolling website where all the news publications are of the futurity. You can this prank link to your friends and troll them as they will be blown away with the contents published on this website.

  1. Greatbigstuff

Greatbigstuff is a prank website actually from where you tin buy regular things irregular size. For instance, if yous want to buy a pen, it will be of huge size. You lot tin can merely order something for your friends and troll them, or you can send this website to your friend so that he can troll others. This is one of the best prank links to send to your friends for having fun.

  1. Fart Attack

This i is so embarrassing prank link but good to accept fun. This is by and large for people who work with other people such equally in Office. To play this prank, you accept to expect for your friend to leave his seat for some time, and you install the chrome extension Fart Attack and do nil. At present, when your friend will use his estimator, every click on the link or push will brand a fart sound. Likewise, make sure to increase the volume of his PC afterwards you install the extension. . This volition be astonishing fun. I played this prank when I used to work in an role. I really enjoyed it when my colleague felt then amazed, and he was clever enough to mute his PC quickly. But, the get-go expression on his face was then embarrassing. But, glad that he took that affair lightly, and we laughed out loud.

  1. Facebook Status Prank

Facebook Condition Prank is again an amazing prank link that you tin send to your friend to enjoy pranking his friends. Or, you can merely prank your Facebook friends by generating a simulated condition. I just created one equally an example which you lot can run across below:

facebook status prank

  1. Ship Your Enemies Glitter

At that place are so many types of glitter, and funny stuff on this website that you can send out to your friends or even enemies to piss them off. Moreover, I would recommend you to play this prank in a light fashion without hurting someone'due south sentiments.

send glitter prank

  1. Cat Facts

Although True cat Facts is a paid service, it is nifty to troll your friends past sending them cat facts anonymously. Without revealing your identity, y'all tin can send then many cat facts to your friend's Phone number and troll them.

Few More Funny Prank Sites

  1. This site allows you to add together funny gifs and texts to your selfies/friends' selfies, and make them so funny that yous can apply them to troll someone.
  2. Peter Answers: Peter Answers is a website where you lot can enter whatever question yous may have and it will reply to you with an answer that may exist funny or troll yous. This is somehow like Google Assistant or Siri but the difference in the answer information technology may have for you. It is indeed funny.
  3. Fake Bank check-ins: Want to prank your friends by showing that you lot are somewhere but actually yous are not at that place. This app is for you lot then. Enjoy pranking your friends with this.


These are the all-time prank links to send to friends to troll them and help them observe these links so that they tin can prank others. There are hundreds of websites that you can use to troll your friends. Only, always remember not to injure anyone's feelings while playing a prank with them.

My favorite is the Hacker Typer since I am a fan of hacking movies, and seeing codes being typed on a black & Bluish screen is fun and refreshing for me.

Which is your favorite ane?

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