Enfj Says He Will Never See Me Again Is He Just Say=ing That

Reported speech.Exercises v


Exercise i. Choose the correct verb form using the sequence of tenses.



1. The dr. said to me that I (shall/should) balance for a week.

two. She says she (will come up/would come up) on time.

3. He said that he (is going/was going) to learn Spanish.

4. I say the weather condition (will exist/would be) fine sooner or later.

5. He said that they (were/had been) friends at school.

half dozen. I asked my sister what she (has/had) bought as a birthday present.

7. My cousin said he (can/could) ski very well.

8. Mother says to her son to (go/went) to the dentist.

9. He said that he (is/was) staying at Rites' Hotel then.

10. I always say he (is/was) a very clever human.

eleven. She asked if her knowledge of French (is/was) good.

12. Kate said that she (has/had) many pets at domicile.

13. Jack said that he (wants/wanted) to And a new job.

fourteen. He says to everyone he (has/had) just heard this news.

15. He said that he (lived/had lived) in Moscow many years before.

16. The teacher asked who (is /was) present that day.

17. The police warn the people that they (must/had to) be careful on the roads.

xviii. She said that it (is/was) a cloak-and-dagger between us.

xix. My friend says he (has/had) but returned from London.

20. Bob said he (will/would) leave presently.

Practice 2. Put the following sentences into Reported speech communication.

�. ����������������� �����������.

����. + said / told + that + ����.+ ��������� � ������ ��������� �������.

ane. ' I'm going to the seaside soon,' she said.

2. ' The moving picture will be interesting,' I hoped.

three. ' I have just bought the tickets to the cinema,' she told us.

4. ' Breakfast is served from 7 till ix,' said the waiter.

5. ' Everything must be prepare in time, ' he ordered.

6. ' I'm sorry that I lost your ticket', he said.

7. ' It wasn't me who took your glasses', he said.

8. ' I'm sorry for making y'all angry yesterday', he said

ix. ' The weather is so common cold simply I haven't got a jacket', she said

10. A gardener is cut the grass at the moment', she warned

11. ' I tin't see you this evening considering I've got a lot to do,' Ann told me.

12. ' I 'm going to bed early tonight', Caroline said

13. ' We don't desire to watch a movie tonight', the children said.

14. ' I won't visit my friends this night', Sam told us.

15. ' I received a parcel this morn, but I haven't opened information technology yet', Tom said

xvi. ' We may visit our grandparents tonight', female parent said.

17. ' I need you lot to assist me with the shopping', mother said to me.

xviii. ' Information technology was a skilful fourth dimension for my family unit', grandfather said.

19. ' I oasis't spoken to Mary since last year,' she said.

20. ' I'd like to buy this coat', he said.

B. �������������� �����������.

����. + asked + if (whether)/ onpoc. ����� + ����. + ��������� � ������ ��������� �������.

1. ' Does this omnibus stop at the next station?' asked Helen.

2. ' Have you reserved a seat?' I asked him.

three. ' Are you working now?' he asked her.

4. ' Did yous slumber well last night?' I asked my mother.

5. ' Tin yous play the piano?' the teacher asked.

6. ' Volition you come up once more? she asked

7. ' Will yous take the children to schoolhouse today?' he asked me.

8. ' Accept you ever been to the British Museum?' Mary asked him.

ix. ' Does Mike similar playing football game?' John wanted to know.

ten. ' Were you waiting for us for a long fourth dimension?' she worried.

11. ' Why are you late?' I asked her.

12. ' Where were you yesterday?' his begetter asked.

13. ' Who has broken the window?' the teacher shouted.

14. ' Where will nosotros see next time?' I wanted to know.

xv. ' What can I practise for you?' she asked.

sixteen. ' Why are you grin?' he asked

17. ' When are you going to decorate the New year's day tree?' female parent asked her son.

xviii. ' Where is the tourist data office?' we asked.

xix. ' Who called you today?' he asked.

xx. ' Where did yous study?' he wondered.

C. ������������� �����������.

����. + asked/ ordered/ told + (non) to +'���������.

1. ' Don't touch anything!' she ordered.

ii. ' Lend me some coin.' she asked.

3. ' Wait at this newspaper,' he said.

4. ' Remember well before you answer,' he advised.

five. ' Don't go alone in the evening,' she warned.

6. ' Don't prevarication to me!' my mother said.

seven. ' Come with me', he suggested.

8. ' Don't play with matches,' his mother ordered.

ix. ' Feed the dogs, please,' he asked me.

x. ' Sweep the kitchen floor,' she asked.

Exercise iii. Cull the correct respond.




ane. He wanted to know if I had been to the political party

a. this week

b. that week

c. next week

2. She asked me if I ... her dinner.

a. like

b. liked

c. had liked

3. He said he ... late that evening.

a. volition be

b. is

c. would be

4. The secretary said that Miss Brown wasn't ...

a. in that location

b. here

c. in at that place

v. The children said they ... like the pic.

a. don't

b. didn't

c. hadn't

6. Ann says she ... this film.

a. already saw

b. had already seen

c. has already seen

vii. He asked me how I felt ...

a. this day

b. today

c. that day

8. She said that she ... 18 years sometime the following Sunday.

a. will be

b. would be

c. was

nine. He said that they ... to Britain before.

a. had never been

b. have never been

c. were never

1 0 . My neighbour said that his son had gone away ...

a. agone

b. before

c. before long

11. She said that she ... very busy then.

a. was

b. is

c. will exist

12. The instructor told the children ... and so much noise.

a. don't

b. not to make

c. non make

13. He said that he ... play different musical instruments then.

a. could

b. can

c. would be able

14. The girl said that her proper name ... Jane.

a. is

b. are

c. was

15. He said that... weeks had been the longest ones in his life.

a. this

b. those

c. these

sixteen. Peter agreed that he ... to give upwardly smoking.

a. has

b. had

c. have

17. He asked me whether he ... the doctor.

a. would call

b. will telephone call

c. should call

18. My mother told me ... more than quietly.

a. to say

b. to ask

c. to speak

xix. She told me that she ... to visit her relatives in Kiev.

a. is going

b. was going

c. would going

20. Julia said that she had to leave....

a. at present

b. at the moment

c. immediately

21. Ted asked if I... the drink.

a. liked

b. would like

c. like

22. The policeman asked what....

a. happened

b. did happen

c. had happened

23. He said that he hadn't had anything to eat....

a. this morning time

b. that morning time

c. at the forenoon

24. She says that she ... retrieve most it.

a. volition

b. would

c. is

25. Kate said that she would see me....

a. the following twenty-four hour period

b. tomorrow

c. in the adjacent day





Exercise 1. 1. should ii. volition come up 3. was going 4. will be 5. had been half-dozen. had 7. could 8. go 9. was ten. is xi. was 12. had xiii. wanted xiv. has 15. had lived 16. was 17. must 18. was 19. has 20. would

Practise two. A.

I. She said (that) she was going to the seaside soon.

ii. I hoped (that) the film would exist interesting.

three. She told u.s.a. (that) she had just bought the tickets to the movie theater.

4. The waiter said (that) breakfast was served from vii till ix.

5. He ordered (that) everything had to be ready in time.

6. He said (that) he was sorry that he had lost my ticket.

vii. He said (that) information technology hadn't been him who had taken my spectacles.

eight. He said (that) he was sorry for making me aroused the twenty-four hours before.

9. He said (that) the weather was and then cold only she hadn't got a jacket.

ten. She warned (that) the gardener was cutting the grass at the moment.

11. Ann told me that she couldn't see me that evening because she had got a lot to do.

12. Caroline said that she was going to bed early on that nighttime.

13 . The children said that they didn't want to watch a moving-picture show that night.

14. Sam told us that he wouldn't visit his friend that evening.

15. Tom said that he received a parcel that morning only he hadn't opened it nonetheless.

sixteen. Mother said that they might visit their grandparents that nighttime.

17. Mother said to me that she needed me to help her with the shopping.

18. Grandfather said that it had been a practiced time for his family unit.

xix. She said that she hadn't spoken to Mary since the year before.

20. He said that he would like to buy that coat.

B. 1. Helen asked if that bus stopped at the next station.

2. I asked him if he had reserved a seat.

iii. He asked her if she was working at that moment.

4. I asked my mother if she had slept well the nighttime before.

5. The instructor asked if I could play the piano.

vi. She asked if I would come once again.

seven. He asked if I would take the children to school that day.

8. Mary asked him if he had ever been to the British Museum.

9. John wanted to know if Mike liked playing football game.

ten. She worried if I/we had been waiting for them for a long time.

11. I asked her why she was late.

12. His male parent asked where he had been the day before.

13. The teacher shouted who had broken the window.

14. I wanted to know where we would meet adjacent time.

15. She asked what she could do for me.

xvi. He asked why I was grinning.

17. Mother asked her child when he was going to decorate the New year's day tree.

18. We asked where the tourist information office was.

19. He asked who had chosen me that day.

20. He wondered where I had studied.

C. 1. She ordered non to touch anything.

2. She asked to lend her some money.

three. He told to await at that paper.

4. He advised to call back well before I answered/ earlier answering.

5. She warned non to go alone in the evening.

half dozen. My mother told not to lie to her.

vii. He suggested to come up with him.

viii. His mother ordered not to play with matches.

9. He asked me to feed the dogs.

10. She asked to sweep the kitchen floor.

Exercise three. 1. b two. b 3. four. a 5. b 6. 7. 8. b nine. a x. b 11. a 12. b 13. a 14. 15. b 16. b 17. a 18. 19. b 20. b 21. a 22. 23. b 24. a 25. a

���������� ���������:

Pronouns (�����������)

Pronouns. Test 4. 88522
Pronouns. Test 3. 81455
Pronouns. Test two. 84153
Pronouns. Test 1. 84198
Pronouns. Exercises-viii 63700
Pronouns. Exercises-7 52282
Pronouns. Exercises-6 50867
Pronouns. Do-5 44998
Possessive pronouns. Exercises 36663
Some, whatever. Exercises 33549
Indefinite pronouns. Other, one (�������-��� �������. Other, i) 32333
Indefinite pronouns. Either, neither. Each, every (�������-� �������. either, neither, each, every) 31501
Indefinite pronouns. All, both (�������������� ����������� All, both) 31079
Indefinite pronouns. Much, many, few, fiddling (����p��-��� �������. Much, many, few, little) 32238
Indefinite pronouns. No, none (�������������� ����������� no, none) 29398
Indefinite pronouns. Some, any (�������������� ����������� some, any) 31370
Interrogative pronouns (�������������� �����������) 28982
Possessive pronouns (�������������� �����������) 27653
Personal pronouns (������ �����������) 28119
Pronouns. Exercises-four (�����������. ����������.) 34287
Pronouns. Exercises-iii (�����������. ����������) 40905
Some, whatsoever ect. and relatives-2. Exercises 33170
Some, any etc. and relatives. Exercises 26989
Pronouns. Exercises-2.(�����������. ����������) 36819
Possesive games (���� � ��������������� �������������) 52594
Pronouns. Exercises.(�����������. ����������) 79875
Relative pronouns (������������� �����������) 55343
Negative pronouns (������������� �����������) 52414
Indefinite pronoun (������������� �����������) 54922
Reciprocal pronouns (�������� ����������� ) 50291
Defining pronouns (�����������,���������� �����������) 47065
Demonstrative pronouns (��������������� /������������ �����������) 40120
Reflexive pronouns (���������� �����������) 38458
Pronouns (�����������) 35878

Reported speech(��������� ����)

Modal +Auxiliary verbs (��������� � �������. �������)

Modal verbs. Exercises-5 30586
Modal verbs. Exercises-four 33040
Modal verbs.Exercises-half dozen 26945
Should, outgh to, must, have to. Exercises-iii 33726
Can, could. May, might. Exercises-2 29715
Must, mustn't. Exercises -ane 22055
��������������� �������. ����������. 26641
������� Shall, Should 19225
������� Will, Would 15723
������ to practice 15317
������ to have 16449
��������������� ������� 16824
Modal Verbs. Exercises. 29835
Modal Verbs-2 (��������� �������) 16968
Modal Verbs (��������� �������) 29531
Modal Verbs (Ought, demand) (��������� �������) 28463
Modal verbs (Must) (��������� �������) 32603
Modal verbs (May (might) (��������� �������) 32239
Modal Verbs (Can, could) (��������� �������) 35198
Modal verbs: By (exercises)(���������� �� ��������� �������: ���������) 75977
Modal verbs:PRESENT AND Future (exercises) (���������� �� ��������� �������:���������, �������) 65881
Modal verbs (��������� �������) 36244
Modal verbs. Examples (��������� �������. �������) 36114
Modal verbs about past (��������� ������� � ��������� �������) 24278

Articles (�������)

Present,Past,Hereafter (���������,���������,�������)

Futuer tenses. Examination 3 12968
Time to come tenses. Test 2 14088
Futurity tenses. Examination 1 21407
By tenses. Test 4 18420
Past tenses. Test 3 21496
By tenses. Test 2 25195
Past tenses. Test i 26612
Present tenses. Exam iv. 22158
Present tenses. Test 3. 22583
Nowadays tenses. Test two. 24392
Present tenses. Test 1. 32573
���������� �� �������. Future continuous, Future perfect 70593
���������� �� �������. Future unproblematic 29979
���������� �� �������.Past perfect, by perfect continuous 68749
���������� �� �������.Present perfect continuous 42259
���������� �� �������.Present perfect 36754
���������� �� �������.Present perfect 37853
���������� �� �������.Past continuous 36863
���������� �� �������. Past Uncomplicated-8 51410
Nowadays simple. Exercises 38055
Present unproblematic. Exercises 37778
���������� �� �������.Past Uncomplicated, Past Perfect, Passive 30315
���������� �� �������.-seven 24246
���������� �� �������.-6 26913
���������� �� �������.-5 28639
���������� �� �������.-4 26603
���������� �� �������.-3 24662
���������� �� �������.-2 25184
���������� �� �������.-1 25920
The Present simple, passive voice-three. Exercises 25250
The Present unproblematic-ii. Exercises 28788
Present perfect-Past elementary. Exercises 30671
The future unproblematic tense. Exercises 36477
The present perfect tense. Exercises (��������� ������. �����. ����������) 41314
The past continuous tense. Exercises 25257
The past elementary tense. Exercises (���������� �� ������� ��������� �����) 34344
The present simple.Exercises 31067
To be-2. Exercises 28637
There is/ are/was/were-ii. Exercises 48037
To be. Exercises (���������� �� ������ to be) 30085
At that place is/ are/was/were. Exercises 26677
Be+ ing. Exercises 24561
Yet, already. Exercises 22306
Present Perfect. Exercises (�������. ������. �����. ����������) 21332
Past uncomplicated/Past continuous. Past participles. Exercises 20713
By elementary. Exercises -2(��������� ������� �����. ����������) 18422
Past elementary. Exercises (��������� ������� �����. ����������) 18974
Present simple for hereafter. Exercises 15430
Going to, Will for predictions. Exercises 17315
Present Elementary, Present Continuous. Exercises (���. �� ��������� � ��������� �������-�� �����) 18787
Present Simple. Exercises (���������� �� ��������� �����) 18535
������������������ ������. ���������� 20117
������������������ ������ (Sequence of tenses) 16595
���������� �� ������� 35114
������������� ������� � ���������� ������ �������������� ���������� 14249
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense (������� ����������� ���������� �����) 15228
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense (��������� ����������� ���������� �����) 16719
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (��������� ����������� ���������� �����) 17808
The Furture Perfect Tense (������� ����������� �����) 16770
The By Perfect Tense (��������� ����������� �����) 20707
The Present Perfect Tense (��������� ����������� �����) 19761
The Future Continuous in the Past (������� ���������� ����� � �������) 17563
The Future Continuous Tense (������� ���������� �����) 19062
The Past Continuous Tense (��������� ���������� �����) 19461
The Present Continuous Tense (��������� ���������� �����) 16902
The Hereafter Indefinite Tense (������� �������������� �����) 18164
The Past Indefinite Tense (��������� �������������� �����) 16899
The Present Indefinite Tense (��������� �������������� �����) 17341
Present, past and future- mixed tenses. Exercises 44886
Present perfect-present perfect continuous. Exercises 87223
Questions. Exercises (���������� �� �������������� �����) 34939
The present perfect. Exercises (���. �� ��������� ��������.�����) 52799
The simple past and the past continuous. Exercises 40029
Time to come forms-2. Exercises (���������� �� ������� �����) 44298
Hereafter forms-1. Exercises (���������� �� ������� �����) 57434
Time clauses. Exercises 32766
Present Continuous (��������� ������������ �����) 16584
Have something done (Exercises) 30523
Nowadays Perfect Continuous (��������� ����������� ������������) 20524
Past Perfect (��������� ����������� �����) 18197
Past Perfect (��������� ����������� �����) 18410
Past Perfect (��������� ����������� �����) 16760
Fourth dimension expressions (Exercises) (��������� �������. ����������) 23361
Situations for Nowadays Perfect (�������� ������������ ���������� ������������ �������) 19009
Past Continuous vs By Simple (��������� ������������- ��������� �����) 20572
Present Perfect (��������� �����������) 20726
Future time. (Exercises)(������� �����.����������) 60672
Past continuous (visual grammer)(��������� ������������ �����-�������) 20335
Present perfect (Exercises)(��������� ����������� �����.����������) 53044
By fourth dimension (exercises)(��������� �����. ����������) 41275
By Unproblematic (spelling,pronunciation)(��������� �����(������������,������������) 38329
Present Perfect Interview (��������� ����������� �����) 42310
Past tenses(��������� �������)(����������) 132226
Past tenses(��������� �������) 43317
Have/has got (�����) 12780
������� � ���������� ����� 37643
Nowadays Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous 37492
Nowadays,Past,Future (Simple)tenses (���������, ���������, ������� (�������)) 42015
Nowadays,Past,Time to come (Continuous)tenses (���������, ���������, ������� (����������)) 49860
Predictions(About Futurity) ������������ � ������� 26542
Pronouns and verb TO Be (����������� � ������ TO Be). 38515

Conditional (�������� �����������.)

The Noun (��� ���������������)

Adverbs+Adjectives (�������+ ��������������)

Present Simple, Present Continuous

Passive form

Relative clauses(�������-�� ��������. �����������)

Gerund (��������)

Phrasal verbs (���������������� �������)

The numeral (��� ������������)

Infinitive (���������)

The participle (���������)

Confusing verbs


How to make sentences


Conjunctions and linking words

All,None,No,Each,Every,Eithe,Neither,and so,such,very


Complex Object. (������� ����������)


Source: http://englishtown-anapa.ru/content/view/1469/44/

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