Facebook Post Dialogue Disappears When I Upload Image


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Version: 156.0

Messenger has recently released a new update on the AppStore, bringing the version number up to 156.0.
The official changelog on AppStore, as usual, does not written report detailed data almost what'due south new in this update, but we take discovered that Facebook has very important plans to improve its Messenger app, that volition be available in future.


Here you will find a list of features that are not available yet.
Messenger is working to improve these features in order to ensure the meliorate user experience with bug-complimentary in the next official releases, so it's okay if you accept updated the app and y'all don't see them.
Annotation that, existence features under evolution, they may change their appearance and behavior in the final evolution. We are but showing the current progress of it and we don't know any release data.


In these years, Facebook has modified a lot of times the design of the Messenger app, creating confusions because some sections and features were often moved.
In the 156.0 update, the dev-team has implemented a dissimilar new UI, very simple, make clean and intuitive.

Seen that this is an experimental UI, Messenger might slightly modify it earlier the future release.


When yous volition tap and hold a conversation, a new canvas appears presenting some quick deportment.

This canvas seems to exist fully developed and ready for the official release: information technology ways it shouldn't be further modified.


The tab called Notice will exist redesigned too, and you will observe here the Games feature. Before Messenger had a specific tab for Games, only it volition exist removed.


Messenger was already interested to this feature a while back, and finally they are going to implement it in adjacent releases.
When the feature will be officially enabled for everyone, Messenger will notify you after opening any conversation.

When y'all volition make a photo or tape a video, Messenger allows to choose to send it as a disappeared message.

A new button called Permanent will be visible adjacent to the Save one: it means the photo will be stored in the chat.
When the user toggles the Permanent button, the Disappearing characteristic volition be enabled: in this situation, the media volition disappear in the chat after the recipient sees it.
Nosotros're not sure if Messenger will implement a feature to choose the expiration fourth dimension, but at present this characteristic is missing.


The Availability toggle is back!
You will be able to configure this option in your Messenger Settings.

Note that in Messenger Settings volition be also available your Connections to Facebook and Instagram.


Calls will get many improvements soon.
The first pace is to allow to phone call pages.

Pages will exist able to disable the choice to forestall to receive calls.
The next step will allow to generate a video chat invite link: this means you can share the link of your electric current video chat to other friends.
Note that, at present, just the strings are added about this feature, and then zippo can exist shown here correct now.
Video chats will accept a dedicated new option in Messenger Settings, that suggests new features are coming for them.


In the Contact Info section, a new option volition be available that allows to automatically translate every message in the current local language.
The user can configure this setting in specific chats.

Let u.s. know on Twitter if you lot similar these features and read our side by side announcements on our Telegram Channel!
Oh! WABetaInfo has a Discord Server about WhatsApp, where you tin chat, requite communication, ask help to other participants and read my announcements!

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Source: https://wabetainfo.com/big-plans-for-messenger-new-design-disappearing-photos-and-videos-translations-and-more/

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