Troubleshoot problems in Synch Service

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

When a communication outcome occurs, an error is returned by Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service. You can view Synch Service letters in the following locations.


Synch Service is required for Retail just in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, this component is used only to support previous versions of Retail POS while you upgrade (N-1).

Monitoring tool


Synch Service messages

View condition and error messages for Synch Service in the Commerce Data Substitution: Synch Service messages form. (Click Retail > Inquiries > Commerce Data Substitution: Synch Service messages.)

To trace the history of a bulletin, select the message, and and so click View message tree to open the Commerce Data Commutation: Synch Service message tree class. In this form, you tin can see the origin and routing of the message.

Note Annotation
You must configure an upload contour before letters are available in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Create upload profiles by using the Commerce Information Exchange: Synch Service upload options class. (Click Retail > Setup > Retail scheduler > Channel integration > Commerce Information Exchange: Synch Service upload options.)

Messages are stored in the Microsoft Dynamics AX database. To complimentary deejay space, you can periodically delete stored messages.

For more data about one of these forms, open the course, and then press F1.

Microsoft Dynamics AX Infolog

If you run a job manually in Microsoft Dynamics AX, and Microsoft Dynamics AX cannot communicate with Synch Service, an mistake code is displayed in the Infolog form.

If the scheduler job runs as role of a batch, you tin can view error messages in the Batch job history form. For more data virtually batch processing, see Process batch jobs and tasks.

Synch Service log file

You can configure Synch Service to save error information in a log file. You tin can specify the location of the log file, the level of logging, and the maximum number of lines in the log file.

For information near how to configure logging for Synch Service, see Configure settings for Synch Service.

Windows event log

Depending on how logging is configured for Synch Service, yous may be able to view total logs of Synch Service events in the Windows event log of the host reckoner.

For data about how to configure logging for Synch Service, meet Configure settings for Synch Service.

Troubleshoot error codes in Synch Service

Employ the information in the post-obit table to troubleshoot mutual errors in Synch Service. Errors in Synch Service are typically caused by one of two general issues: an error in communication between Microsoft Dynamics AX and Synch Service, or an error in the processing of a job.


The same error code tin stand for multiple issues. When you troubleshoot, you should consider both the documentation about the mistake lawmaking and the detailed mistake message that is displayed together with the error lawmaking.



Suggested resolution


Error inserting in system tables

An error occurred while Synch Service was confirming the information package.

Review the Synch Service error log for more information.


Remote connectedness dropped

The TCP/IP connection was concluded while Synch Service was forwarding a bundle, or the receiving case of Synch Service was shut downwards during the transfer.

Restore the network connection. If the network connection is slow or overloaded, consider increasing the TCP/IP time-out for both Synch Service instances. You can adjust the TCP/IP time-out in Synch Service Settings.


Canceled considering of transport and receive size

The registered size of the packet does not match the actual size of the package. This issue is most likely caused by a manual failure.

Resend the package by running the Retail Scheduler job once again.


Cannot notice new packet number

Synch Service could not assign a new package number to an incoming bundle. Typically, this issue occurs when the message database for the receiving instance of Synch Service is configured incorrectly in Synch Service Settings.

Ostend that the message database is configured correctly, and that the Synch Service user has the required permissions.


Cannot instance a socket

The operating arrangement could not create a Windows TCP/IP socket. TCP/IP might not be installed or enabled on the reckoner.

Confirm that the TCP/IP protocol is installed and enabled on the computer.


HopCount has exceeded its maximum value

A package cannot be transferred, because the hop counter for the bundle has reached the maximum that is set in Synch Service Settings.

This error can occur when a service name is incorrectly assigned to an IP address. The error can also be caused by an inconsistency between the server name for a location and the actual server proper noun for the instance of Synch Service.

  • Verify the DNS registration of the server name or the entry for the server name in the Hosts files on all computers that are involved.

  • Confirm that the server name for the location in the Commerce Information Substitution: Synch Service profiles grade matches the service name in Synch Service Settings.


Error in processing asking

An unhandled exception occurred when Synch Service was reading from or writing to a database. This error is typically not related to the database connexion.

  • Check the event log for more information. Because this error occurred at the database level, the database has likely reported the cause of the fault in the upshot log.

  • Check for an invalid or incorrect setup for field transfers in a subjob.


An error occurred connecting to Synch Service

Microsoft Dynamics AX cannot connect to Synch Service. This mistake can occur in the following situations:

  • Synch Service is not running.

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX is trying to connect to a service that does non exist, or that is not associated with the correct IP address.

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX is trying to connect to Synch Service on an invalid TCP/IP port.

  • Start the Synch Service service.

  • Confirm that the service name for Synch Service is associated with an IP accost. To confirm the IP address, at a command prompt, type ping <Synch Service calculator proper name>. If the service proper name does not respond to a ping command, you must reconfigure your DNS server or Hosts file so that the service name is associated with the correct IP address.

  • Verify that the port numbers match in Synch Service Settings and in the Synch Service profile.

  • If IPsec is enabled, verify that it is configured correctly. Alternatively, verify that the firewall is configured correctly. For example, connect to the Synch Service port by using Telnet.


Waiting for a previous package

A previous packet that is part of the same JobID has non been processed successfully. Check the job status to make up one's mind whether the job is waiting, or whether at that place is an outcome with the job.

  • Accept corrective action so that the parcel is candy successfully.

  • Cancel the job past using one of the following methods:

    • If an upload profile has been configured and selected for Synch Service messages, select the message in the Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service messages course, and then click Cancel.

    • Set CancelledByUser=one in the message database.


Fault while sending packet information

  • Retry the functioning.

  • Check all connections.


Error while transferring bundle

A connection has failed, or the network is unstable.

  • Retry the operation.

  • Check all connections.


Error writing file

  • Free some infinite on the disk.

  • Confirm that the process has the required permissions to write to the deejay.


Error creating file

Synch Service cannot write to the hard deejay. Possible causes include the following problems:

  • The disk is full.

  • Synch Service does not accept permissions to write to the working directory.

  • The path of the working directory, equally specified in Synch Service Settings, is wrong.

  • Gratis some space on the disk.

  • Confirm that the process has the required permissions to write to the disk.

  • Ostend that the path of the working directory is correct.


Error reading file

Synch Service was trying to read a file that does not exist.

Copy the file by running the job again.


Synch Service system fault

Synch Service encountered a arrangement mistake. This mistake code represents several issues that might occur with the service.

See the mistake log for more than information.


Synch Service communication mistake

Synch Service encountered a communication error. This error lawmaking represents several communication bug that might occur.

  • Retry the operation.

  • Check all connections.

  • Encounter the error log for error codes that were reported by Windows. Typically, this error is a socket fault.


Synch Service job metadata processing error

An mistake occurred when Synch Service was preprocessing a request package.

See the error log for more information.


Synch Service message database error

Synch Service cannot connect to the message database. Possible causes include the following issues:

  • An incorrect server name is specified in the connection settings for the database.

  • An incorrect database name is specified in the connection settings for the database.

  • Advisable permissions are not granted to the database.

See the error log for more information.

If Synch Service cannot access the message database, verify the connection string to the database in the following registry setting:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\ Dynamics \6.0\Retail Store Connect\Servers \SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME, primal: SysConnStr


Error when request handler manager is preparing/packing/unpacking request and processing temp data files

Possible causes include the post-obit issues:

  • The bundle is corrupted.

  • The channel schema for the distribution location is configured incorrectly. In this case, the error message likely says "Cannot detect request handler factory."

  • Synch Service does not have permission to create the working folder or to write files to the working folder.

  • See the error log for more information.

  • Check all connections.

  • In the Distribution locations form, verify the retail channel schema for the distribution location.

  • Make sure that folder permissions have been set up correctly.

  • Retry the performance.


Error when asking handler fails to process request

Typically, this kind of error ways that information from the channel database or the Microsoft Dynamics AX database cannot exist read or written. This effect can occur when the scheduler job is not configured correctly.

Considering at that place are many possible causes for this error code, we recommend that y'all encounter the error log for the detailed error bulletin from the database.

Troubleshoot common bug with data packages

Utilise the information in the post-obit table to troubleshoot problems with information packages. To view the information that is contained in a data parcel, you must use Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service Pack Viewer. For more data, encounter Synch Service Pack Viewer.



A bundle that failed blocks the processing of other packages.

When a packet is not processed successfully, its blocked status can forbid other packages from being sent, even after y'all have resolved the cause of the error. To resume ordinary communications, in the message database, set up CancelledByUser=1 for the messages that are related to the blocked parcel.

If Synch Service was configured to upload status messages to Microsoft Dynamics AX, y'all tin view and cancel error messages in the Commerce Data Substitution: Synch Service letters form. (Click Retail > Inquiries > Commerce Information Exchange: Synch Service letters.)

If Synch Service was not configured to upload status messages, you must use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to abolish the blocking messages. On the originating computer, in SQL Server Management Studio, expand the Databases folder, click the message database, then click New Query. In the query pane, type update dbo.IncomingMessages ready CancelledByUser=ane where PackageNo='nnnn', where nnnn is the ID number of the failed package. Then click Execute.

Synch Service at the head office cannot read results for a query packet.

If a job is unsuccessful, and no records were changed in the shop database, follow these steps to determine the reason for the failure.

  1. Confirm that the request from Retail Scheduler reached the head office instance of Synch Service.

  2. Confirm that the message database for the head office instance of Synch Service contains a respective record in the incoming messages table.

  3. Confirm that the asking packet was created by Synch Service. A request packet is also referred to as an "I" file, and the file name is in the form <Synch Service service proper name>-<sequential number>-I.tmp. If the Keep Package Files check box was selected in Synch Service Settings, this file is in the working directory.

  4. Make sure that .Internet Business Connector is installed. .Internet Business Connector is required on the communications server at the head function.

  5. Verify that the entry in the incoming message table for this package has no errors. If Synch Service cannot process a asking, it does non generate a outcome packet, and an error occurs. A result packet is also referred to as an "R" file, and the file name is in the grade <Synch Service service name>-<sequential number>-R.tmp]. This event could be caused past a scheduler task that is not configured correctly. In this instance, run into the detailed message in the error log for more data.

Synch Service crashes when it processes many transactions.

The default thread time-out for Synch Service is 10800 seconds, simply this value may not be sufficient when many transactions are candy. If y'all are processing more than 200,000 transactions, and Synch Service crashes without synchronizing the information, effort increasing the thread time-out.